Ryan Williams - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Ryan Williams. Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science MIT CSAIL and EECS 32 Vassar St, Cambridge, MA 02139 . Email: first and middle initials + my last name at gmail.com I was a professor at Stanford from 2011-2016. I got a PhD from Carnegie Mellon under the marvelous Manuel Blum, and I was an undergrad at Cornell. For more ...
Research Projects, Ryan Williams - Massachusetts Institute of …
L. Chen, C. Jin, R. R. Williams, and H. Wu. Truly Low-Space Element Distinctness and Subset Sum via Pseudorandom Hash Functions In 32nd ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2022).
6.1400 / 18.400: Automata, Computability, and Complexity Theory
IMPORTANT: If you have a conflict with the midterm time, please email the entire course staff (Ryan, Jiatu, Jakin) with the subject line "[6.1400 Midterm Conflict]". We'll schedule a conflict midterm as needed.
6.1420/6.S974: Fixed Parameter and Fine-Grained Algorithms and ...
Instructors: Virginia Vassilevska Williams and Ryan Williams Time: Tuesday/Thursday 11am--12:30pm, Room 34-304 Office Hours: TBA Piazza page: PIAZZA.
Ryan Williams Stanford University Abstract. We outline two plausible approaches to improving the mis-erable state of a airs regarding lower bounds against probabilistic poly-nomial time (namely, the class BPP). 1 Introduction In recent years, researchers have been gradually developing methods for po-
R. Ryan Williams MIT Abstract We prove that if every problem in NP has nk-size circuits for a fixed constant k, then for every NP-verifier and every yes-instance x of length n for that verifier, the verifier’s search space has an nO(k3)-size witness circuit: a witness for x that can be encoded with a circuit of only nO(k3) size. An analogous
Ryan Williams∗ Stanford University July 31, 2012 Abstract The class ACCconsists of circuit families with constant depth over unbounded fan-in AND, OR, NOT, and MOD m gates, where m > 1 is an arbitrary constant. We prove: • NEXP, the class of languages accepted in nondeterministic exponential time, does not have non-
6.541/18.405 - Advanced Complexity Theory - Spring 2024
Instructor: Ryan Williams, Office 32-G638, Email rrw@mit Office Hours Wednesday 3-4pm, and by appointment. TAs: Ce Jin, Email cejin@mit, Office Hours Wednesday 10-12 24-319; Timothy Gomez, Email tagomez7@mit, Office Hours Friday 11am-1pm, 24-319; Zixuan Xu, Email zixuanxu@mit, Office Hours Monday 11am-1pm
CS 294-152. Lower Bounds: Beyond the Bootcamp -- Fall 2018
Ryan's notes for 11/5 (CircuitSAT implies Lower Bounds, Gap-CircuitSAT implies Lower Bounds) are here. Scribe notes by Sidhanth Mohanty are coming soon. Lecture on Friday 11/9 (Natural Proofs) notes are here .
Richard Ryan Williams MIT CSAIL, 32 Vassar St., Cambridge, MA 02139 Email: [email protected] POSITIONS Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, MA) Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, July 2020 – present. Associate Professor (with tenure) of EECS, Jan. 2017 – Jun. 2020. University of California, Berkeley