Chemical weapon - Wikipedia
A chemical weapon (CW) is a specialized munition that uses chemicals formulated to inflict death or harm on humans.
Chemical weapon | History, Facts, Types, & Effects | Britannica
Chemical weapons are chemical agents, whether gaseous, liquid, or solid, that are employed because of their direct toxic effects on humans, animals, and plants. They inflict damage when inhaled, absorbed through the skin, or ingested in food or drink.
List of chemical warfare agents - Wikipedia
A chemical weapon agent (CWA), or chemical warfare agent, is a chemical substance whose toxic properties are meant to kill, injure or incapacitate human beings.
Chemical warfare - Wikipedia
Since the development of modern chemical warfare in World War I, nations have pursued research and development on chemical weapons that falls into four major categories: new and more deadly agents; more efficient methods of delivering agents to the target (dissemination); more reliable means of defense against chemical weapons; and more ...
Chemical Warfare Agents - US EPA
2024年10月30日 · The Chemical Weapons Convention and the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) defines a chemical weapon as, “a chemical used to cause intentional death or harm through its toxic properties. Munitions, devices and other equipment specifically designed to weaponize toxic chemicals also fall under the definition of chemical ...
Chemical Weapons: Frequently Asked Questions - Arms Control …
A chemical weapon is any toxic chemical that can cause death, injury, incapacitation, and sensory irritation, deployed via a delivery system, such as an artillery shell, rocket, or ballistic missile. Chemical weapons are considered weapons of mass destruction and their use in armed conflict is a violation of international law.
Anything specifically designed or intended for use in direct connection with the release of a chemical agent to cause death or harm is itself a chemical weapon. Specifically, the definition is divided into three parts: toxic chemicals and their precursors, munitions or devices and equipment ‘directly in connection’ with munitions and devices.
Chemical Weapons – UNODA
1997年4月29日 · Chlorine, phosgene (a choking agent) and mustard gas (which inflicts painful burns on the skin) were among the chemicals used. The results were indiscriminate and often devastating. Nearly 100,000 deaths resulted. Since World War I, chemical weapons have caused more than one million casualties globally.
About Chemical Weapons Elimination - CDC
2024年5月14日 · From the early 1900s to 1968, the U.S. produced and stockpiled chemical weapons. The U.S. stockpile of chemical weapons has been destroyed as of 2023. Some discarded and buried items remain.
Chemical Weapons - United States Department of State
2022年2月8日 · 2023 Condition (10)(C) Annual Report on Compliance with the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC)