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  1. The colour is typically pale green through blue-green, with a deep pink blush in certain varieties, and typically has a bloom. It is unique among Annona fruits in being segmented; the segments tend to separate when ripe, exposing the innards. The flesh is fragrant and sweet, creamy white through light yellow, and resembles and tastes like custard.
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    Annona reticulata - Wikipedia

    Annona reticulata is a small deciduous or semi-evergreen tree in the plant family Annonaceae. It is best known for its fruit, called custard apple, a common name shared with fruits of several other species in the same genus: A. cherimola and A. squamosa. Other English common names include ox heart and … 展开

    It is a small deciduous or semi-evergreen tree reaching 8–10 metres (26–33 ft) tall with an open, irregular crown.
    The slender leaves are hairless, straight and pointed at the apex (in some varieties wrinkled), 10–20 cm … 展开

    Although the tree grows optimally in tropic conditions, it is also found in subtropical regions. It requires humid conditions (medium to high rainfall). Compared to the other Annonas, it is less … 展开

    Custard apple can be eaten raw, out of hand as a fresh fruit. It is not as popular as the sugar apple or the cherimoya. It can also be prepared as … 展开

    Annona reticulata is known to be an invasive plant. A PIER risk assessment gave a score of 11 for the Annona reticulata. It negatively … 展开

    概览 图像
    Distribution and habitat 图像

    Possibly a native of the Caribbean and Central America, Annona reticulata is now pantropical. It grows from sea level to elevations of 1,500 metres … 展开

    Seeds can be propagated. Other techniques for cultivation are grafting and budding. The tree produces 45 kg of fruits per year. In Asia, the season lasts from July to September, and in the Caribbean, it runs from February to April. 展开

    In a 100-gram reference amount, custard apple supplies 423 kilojoules (101 kilocalories) of food energy, 23% of the Daily Value 展开

    CC-BY-SA 许可证中的维基百科文本
  3. Custard apple | Description, Fruit, Species, Uses, & Facts | Britannica

  4. Annona squamosa - Wikipedia

  5. Custard apple - Wikipedia

    Custard apple: fruiting branch with sections of fruit and seeds. Custard apple is a common name for several fruits and may refer to Annonaceae, the custard apple family, [1] which includes the following species referred to as custard apples: …

  6. Custard Apples: How They Can Benefit Your Overall …

    2024年6月14日 · The leaves of custard apples are used in the tanning industry and are known to make blue or black dyes. Custard apple trees also produce wood.

  7. Rare Blue Apple Varieties: Growing and Facts Guide

    2023年8月27日 · The word “blue apple” usually describes an apple variety that might display a deep, purplish-red, or nearly black shade rather than a completely blue color. Here are the tips for nurturing an apple tree from these distinct …

  8. Custard apple, Annona reticulata - Growables

    The Custard Apple is believed to be a native of the West Indies but it was carried in early times through Central America to southern Mexico. While in Hawaii it is not well known, it is commonly grown in the Bahamas and occasionally in …

  9. Dog Apple (Annona Reticulata) Growing & Care Guide …

    2024年1月31日 · Annona reticulata, more commonly referred to as the Custard apple or Sugar apple, is a warm climate thriving small tree. It is a tropical plant that can be grown in zones 10 to 11, and is thus not tolerant of frosts; though …

  10. American Indian Health - Health - University of Kansas

  11. 9 reasons you should eat custard apples daily - Firstpost