If you're considering buying a foldable phone like the Google Pixel 9 Pro Fold and Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6, it's probably for their giant, tablet-size bendable screens rather than their cameras. But ...
Samsung’s community is looking forward to three new Galaxy S handsets in early 2025. Could there be a fourth handset, and if so, how disruptive would it be?
在智能手机行业,折叠屏设备正在逐渐成为消费电子产品的热门选择。三星近日发布的Galaxy Z Fold 5,作为其最新的折叠屏旗舰机型,汇聚了众多创新技术,标志着折叠手机设计和功能的显著提升。该款手机不仅在硬件方面进行了全方位升级,其独特的设计与功能也进一步巩固了三星在这一市场的领先地位。 Galaxy Z Fold 5的最大亮点之一是其6.2英寸的外屏和7.6英寸的内屏,均采用了Dynamic ...