The United Nations welcomes all efforts to resolve the Ukraine-Russia conflict and sees the phone call between the US and ...
近日,三角轮胎股份有限公司通过审核,正式加入联合国全球契约组织 (United Nations Global Compact),承诺支持有关人权、劳工、环境和反腐败四大领域的全球契约十项原则。
US President Donald Trump is expected to sign executive orders on Tuesday to withdraw from the United Nations Human Rights ...
在全球汽车行业的可持续发展浪潮中,三角轮胎股份有限公司最近通过了审核,正式加入了联合国全球契约组织(United Nations Global Compact)。这一举动标志着三角轮胎对于人权、劳工、环境和反腐败领域的坚定承诺,愿意全力支持全球契约十项原则。
"UNRWA is riddled with Hamas," Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Oren Marmorstein said on social media platform X. "Beginning Jan. 30, Israel will cease all engagement with UNRWA in accordance with ...
Shekou,located in Shenzhen, Guangdong, is renowned as a small United Nations.Here comes the Chinese Spring Festival. Some friends living in Shekou said that:"Welcome to Guangdong! Welcome to Shekou! H ...
BEIJING, Feb. 11 (Xinhua) -- China is a doer in climate response and is committed to fulfilling its pledged goals on carbon peak and carbon neutrality in its own way and at its own speed, foreign ...
Erik Solheim, Co-Chair of the Europe-Asia Centre and Former Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations, shared his insights on the cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative in an exclusive ...
研究结果表明,与不采取气候干预措施的情景相比,采取气候干预措施的情景将提高印度水稻和小麦的产量,但也有一些限制。首先,地球工程有助于维持作物生长的理想温度范围,但不能改变气候变化导致的极端降水或干旱。结果还表明,旱作雨养小麦比灌溉小麦从干预中获益更多 ...
1. 中国汽车出口在2024年保持强劲势头,达到640.7万辆,同比增长22.7%,显示出海外市场对创新技术和过硬品质的中国汽车的青睐。 2.
在ESG(环境、社会和公司治理)概念未被正式定义时,伴随着经济全球化的启动,国际组织已开始为跨国公司的经营与行为制定规则。1976年,经济合作与发展组织提出了跨国公司行为准则,其中已能看到今天ESG的雏形,但这些只被当时的发达国家所重视。2000年, ...