The IRC warns that rising violence in the West Bank is killing children, disrupting education, and blocking vital humanitarian aid.
A carefree family gathering. A joyful wedding day. A son’s graduation. For millions of Ukrainians, these moments feel like a distant memory. Three years of full-scale war have turned their lives ...
Tre år av fullskaligt krig i Ukraina har drabbat kvinnor och flickor hårt. Konflikten har lett till en kraftig ökning av våld mot kvinnor. I Ukraina kan bland annat väpnade styrkor använda våldtäkt ...
We are seeing unprecedented levels of humanitarian need in the world today. Last year alone, nearly 340 million people identified as being in humanitarian need. In 2014, that number was 81 million ...
As the first people are being transferred to Italy’s new detention centres in Albania, the International Rescue Committee (IRC) warns that this marks a “dark day for the EU’s asylum and migration ...
This past year millions of people in Afghanistan and Ukraine were forced to flee their homes at a moment’s notice. Meanwhile, crises in countries like Syria, Ethiopia and Venezuela persist, resulting ...
You may have noticed lately that you're seeing fewer updates from some of the people and organizations—such as the International Rescue Committee—you follow on Facebook. That's because Facebook has ...
The IRC is on the ground across Europe working with governments, municipalities and local organisations to meet the immediate and critical needs of those seeking refuge, and to support the effective ...