“If you aim to shut the carbon leakage channel down completely, it could have negative economic consequences for developing countries, who probably have the right to catch up” ...
London Business School's Professor Andrew Scott's new book, The Longevity Imperative, Building a Better Society for Healthier, Longer Lives, continues to attract significant attention and praise ...
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The authors synthesized and extended recent research demonstrating that investor recognition is a distinct, significant determinant of stock price movements. Realized stock returns are strongly ...
Intuition suggests that firms with higher cash holdings are safer and should have lower credit spreads. Yet empirically the correlation between cash and spreads is robustly positive, and higher for ...
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A major change of the property tax system in 2011 generated significant variation in the amount of housing taxes paid by Italian households. Using new questions added to the Survey on Household Income ...
Business Strategy Review 1991 Autumn Vol 2:3 p 91-111 ...
We study the implications of the Great Recession for voting for anti-establishment parties, as well as for general trust and political attitudes, using regional data across Europe. We find a strong ...
A comprehensive discussion of multiple, discounted cash flow and asset valuation methods and the different perspectives of financial and strategic investors. The note considers the interrelation ...