Der FC Pinzgau feierte am Samstag einen kuriosen Heimerfolg in der Regionalliga West. Die Saalfeldener schlugen Röthis mit ...
FC Pinzgau celebrated a curious home win in the Regionalliga West on Saturday. The Saalfelden side beat Röthis 3:1 - thanks ...
Foreman and thief - this "job description" applies to a man from Wels. The 32-year-old is said to have stolen materials such ...
Why did a Viennese ice cream parlor owner stand unarmed in the way of a knife-wielding attacker? He tells us in the "Krone" ...
Culinary expert "Cooking Catrin" was out and about in the "Hadn villages" of southern Carinthia and set out on the trail of ...
The ball is finally rolling again in the Champions League and the legendary anthem is ringing out across Europe. To mark the ...
Serious incident on Saturday night in Tyrol! A 20-year-old woman fell ten to 15 meters from a window ledge in the ...
Folgenschwerer Zwischenfall in der Nacht auf Samstag in Tirol! Eine 20-Jährige stürzte in den Stadtgalerien Schwaz von einem ...
As if the holidaymaker return traffic with the major tunnel renovation on the Tauernautobahn wasn't enough. Since around 4.30 ...
Über Nacht sollte ein E-Gabelstapler in einer Firma mit Strom aufgeladen werden, doch ein Schwelbrand entstand.
Als wäre der Urlauber-Rückreiseverkehr mit der großen Tunnelsanierung auf der Tauernautobahn nicht genug. Seit rund 16.30 Uhr ...
An electric forklift truck was to be charged overnight at a company, but a smouldering fire broke out. Metal containers, a ...