Thomas J. Craughwell is the author of several books, most recently How the Barbarian Invasions Shaped the Modern World (Fair Winds Press, 2008) and Stealing Lincoln's Body (Harvard University ...
Mr. Mayzel is a professor of history at the Cummings Center for Russian and East European Studies at Tel-Aviv University. Three factors shaped the borders of present-day Israel: the British ...
Mr. Shenkman, the author of Presidential Ambition and other books, is the editor of HNN. In 1964 Barry Goldwater lost the presidency in a landslide to Lyndon Johnson in part because of the ...
The U.S. was once the world’s most geographically mobile society. Now we’re stuck in place—and that’s a very big problem.
Two vice presidents resigned: John C. Calhoun (served under Andrew Jackson) and Spiro Agnew (served under Richard Nixon). The vice presidency has been vacant due to resignation or death a total of ...
Mr. Ayton is the author of The JFK Assassination: Dispelling The Myths (2002) and Questions of Controversy: The Kennedy Brothers (2001) Forty years ago this month President Lyndon B. Johnson’s ...
Mr. Giangreco is the author of War in Korea: 1950-1953. He and Kathryn Moore are co-authors of Dear Harry . . . Truman’s Mailroom, 1945-1953: The Truman Administration through Correspondence ...
Mr. Kessler is the author of a new book on the FBI, The Bureau: The Secret History of the FBI, available from In 1993, Anthony Summers, in his book Official and Confidential: The ...
Mr. Boulton is Assistant Professor of History at Villa Julie College, Stevenson, Maryland. September 11 was the deadliest terrorist attack on U.S. soil. The second deadliest was Oklahoma City.
Mr. Briley is Assistant Headmaster, Sandia Preparatory School. Forty years ago, the Revolutionary Youth Movement (RYM) faction of the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) drafted a statement to ...
Mr. Wheeler is the author of Mr. Lincoln’s T-Mails: The Untold Story of How Abraham Lincoln Used the Telegraph to Win the Civil War (HarperCollins, 2006) “What became of our forces which held ...