At DLR, the Institute of Aerospace Medicine forms the interface between high technology and life sciences such as biology, medicine and psychology. Whether in science or administration, we offer ...
View through all layers of the Earth’s atmosphere, including aurora borealis as seen from the research aircraft HALO during a flight in the Arctic. Whether in science, technology or as part of an ...
At DLR, the Institute of Aerospace Medicine forms the interface between high technology and life sciences such as biology, medicine and psychology. Whether in science or administration, we offer ...
How did the moons form and what they are made of? This is the mystery that the international team of scientists wants to solve. Several US missions and the European Mars Express mission, launched in ...
Das DLR bietet Jugendlichen einen Blick in seine Forschung, Studierenden und Nachwuchstalenten einen Einstieg in die Wissenschaftswelt und erfahrenen Forschenden interessante neue Aufgabenfelder und ...
We are making highly efficient engines even more powerful and researching future propulsion solutions for climate-neutral aviation and power plant turbines for an environmentally friendly energy ...
SMARS is a large synthetic dataset containing pairs of scenes with simulated urban changes aimed at training and validating change detection applications, as well as urban segmentation and building ...
We are researching technologies that make the transport system more climate-friendly, safer and more liveable. To this end, we are driving forward the digitalisation and automation of road traffic, ...
Das Kryolabor ermöglicht die Durchführung von Experimenten und Tests mit kryogenen Flüssigkeiten. Es ist insbesondere für die Handhabung von Flüssigwasserstoff, Flüssigmethan und Flüssigsauerstoff ...
With its know-how and overall system expertise in passive and active microwaves, the Microwaves and Radar Institute develops innovative sensors, algorithms and applications for ground-based, airborne ...
Die Windkraft ist schon jetzt die zweitwichtigste Energiequelle in Deutschland. Sie leistet den größten Beitrag zur Stromerzeugung aus erneuerbaren Ressourcen. Bereits ein Viertel des Stroms stammte ...