How do so many Spouters get off mocking Philadelphia for their level of crime? Do they even read the front page of the Herald or local Police Blotters for the horrible ...
Everyone should look at the pay scale of working in Federal government, you might think they make millions the way they are firing people. Pay scale is very low in my opi ...
First nice weather day and car washing is going on at the Community Center. More importantly, it is being done in the designated Handicap Spaces.
To the Avalon Spouter who says Canadians are cancelling their Cape May County vacations, I ask for data to support this. And there is none! In fact, the coming s ...
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Two apparent failures of Trump's leadership to date. First, firing of thousands of workers, many most essential, to reduce waste and fraud, a good idea. Trump empo ...
The winner of Super Bowl should not be about politics, no matter what they should be invited to the White House. Trump does not like Philadelphia, it really showed when h ...
Thousands of Canadian tourists cancel their vacation plans for visiting Cape May County. Let's see if Magas pick up the slack and save the summer.
According to the White House about 75,000 workers took "Fork in the Road" offer which means they resigned their jobs and will be paid until September 30th. If they ...
When asked how Fascism starts, Bertrand Russell once said: "First, they fascinate the fools. Then, they muzzle the intelligent." ...
The Cape May comment on 59% of Americans feel they do not have enough in their savings and 27% have no savings at all. Any why do you think this is so. They live and die by the credit card and make ...
Our Congressman's Office has just released the shocking conclusion to the New Jersey Drones incident. Wow, now I can sleep knowing the truth! I hope that the Hera ...