Pokémon, a combination of the words "Pocket Monsters," began with a Japanese game designer by the name of Satoshi Tajiri. Tajiri, a fan of anime who grew up collecting various insects and amphibians, ...
In today’s world, there’s plenty of jockeying over who is the richest person alive. But no one today can hold a candle to the net worth of Mansa Musa, an incredibly wealthy 14th-century Malian ruler.
In 2020, an archaeological team embarked upon an ambitious project in the Saudi Arabian desert. Their mission was to study the evolution of ancient oasis settlements in the area, ultimately leading ...
Neal’s Yard Dairy, a cheese retailer based in London, was recently robbed of more than 20 tons of cheddar in a sophisticated scam. After the company was approached by a fraudster posing as a ...
In 2010, a man named Larry Ray moved into his daughter’s dorm at Sarah Lawrence College in New York. He befriended her roommates, enchanting them with tales about his time in the U.S. Marine Corps and ...