Technically, a 64-bit game could still support PhysX on Nvidia's newest GPUs, but the heyday of PhysX, as a stand-alone ...
Some graphically intense PC games from 2005 to 2013 have issues showing off their prowess on cards like the RTX 5090.
Nvidia’s new video cards drop support for 32-bit CUDA applications, including PhysX.
With the retirement of 32-bit CUDA application support on RTX 50 series GPUs, PhysX is now end-of-life starting with ...
Nvidia dropping 32-bit PhysX from the RTX 50-series' CUDA infrastructure is another sign that game preservation can't depend ...
As Nvidia has dropped support for PhysX in legacy games on its RTX 50 GPUs, a Redditor has bought a separate RTX 3050 as a ...
NVIDIA's new RTX 5000 GPUs are the latest, but that doesn't mean the greatest. I have 5 reasons to skip this generation, plus 3 reasons where they make sense.
The change makes some classic PC games run poorly even on modern hardware due to a lack of GPU-accelerated physics.
总而言之,NVIDIA决定在RTX 50系列中弃用32位CUDA支持的这一策略,引发了广泛的讨论和关注。以GTX ...
在一个转瞬即逝的时刻,NVIDIA又一次在游戏界引发了轰动。近日,他们宣布将不再支持RTX50系列显卡的32位CUDA和PhysX物理加速,意味这项拥有20多年历史的技术即将退隐。不过,正当人们为这一决定感到遗憾时,却出现在了一个令人惊讶的解决方案:RX 5080与老牌显卡GTX 980 Ti的同台演出,竟让帧率数倍飙升!
NVIDIA's RTX 50 series drops 32-bit PhysX support, forcing older games like Borderlands 2 to run physics on the CPU, causing slowdowns.
最近,NVIDIA对其显卡支持政策实施了一个引人注目的改变,宣布RTX 50系列显卡将不再支持32位CUDA应用。这一政策转变直接影响到了长久以来被玩家和开发者所熟知的物理加速技术——Physx。需要注意的是,Physx本身为32位技术,而当前并没有64位游戏在运用这一技术。这意味着,新的RTX 50显卡用户将遗憾地告别通过Physx所带来的出色物理加速效果。但对于依然使用RTX ...