El Mundo del Hielo y la Nieve de Harbin, el parque temático de hielo y nieve más grande del mundo, había recibido más de 3 millones de visitantes hasta el martes, alcanzando un nuevo récord de ...
People attend a celebration for the Lantern Festival at the ice and snow world in Harbin, northeast China's Heilongjiang Province, Feb. 12, 2025. (Xinhua/Huang Wei) People attend a celebration for the ...
O Harbin Ice-Snow World, o maior parque temático de gelo e neve do mundo, recebeu mais de 3 milhões de visitas até ...
体育竞技,安全为基。作为赛事官方指定保险服务商,中国平安旗下 平安产险为本届亚冬会提供总保额超600亿元的一揽子风险保障方案, 包含财产、财务损失、责任、人身等四大类。保障人群全面覆盖国内外参赛运动员、 OCA 大家庭成员及技术官员、亚冬会工作人员、志愿者、安保人员、医护人员等超5万人,同时还将为现场观众提供意外风险保障。
Qi Guangpu of China competes during the Freestyle Skiing mixed team aerials final at the 9th Asian Winter Games in Yabuli, ...
Imagen del 10 de enero de 2025 de personas divirtiéndose en el Carnaval de Hielo y Nieve del río Songhua de Harbin, en Harbin ...
短道速滑比赛场地通常为30米×60米,赛道为椭圆形,内缘周长111.12米。不同项目滑行圈数不同,如500米比赛滑行4.5圈,1000米比赛滑行9圈,1500米比赛滑行13.5圈。为确保运动员的安全,赛场四周安放泡沫防护垫。运动员装备主要包括冰刀和冰 ...
Chinese athletes (from left) Cidan Yuzhen, Suolang Quzhen and Yu Jingxuan compete in the women's ski mountaineering sprint ...
International athletes and team officials participating in the ongoing Asian Winter Games have praised the Games and the host city, Harbin.