DD-WRT stands out for its broad compatibility with a wide range of routers. It supports well-known models such as those from Asus and Linksys, as well as more obscure routers provided by ISPs like ...
Add:luci-i18n-netspeedtest-zh-cn git-24.076.02165-dbed4a1 update:luci-i18n-parentcontrol-zh-cn git-23.175.61695-54d39a4 > git-24.075.35684-f8202e7 ...
When it comes to routers, there is one that is hacker’s favorite, the WRT54GL. But a slightly lesser known company, Pirelli with their “Alice Gate2 plus Wi-Fi”, seems to be a popular choice ...
With version 5 of the WRT54G, Linksys decided to dump Linux and start using VxWorks. This made buying a WRT a gamble if you wanted one with Linux. DD-WRT recently released a micro version that ...