Financial crisis and cuts to the welfare system have driven people to UK food banks. About 500,000 are estimated to have ...
The Chinese animated movie "Ne Zha 2" has seen its box office revenue worldwide, including presales, surpass 13 billion yuan ...
IT之家 2 月 21 日消息,IBM 近期推行的强制性重返办公室(Return-to-Office, RTO)政策引发争议,据《The Register》报道,该政策格外针对老年员工和长期远程工作者,而这些员工往往不太可能因工作而搬迁。
CMC Pictures announced Friday that the Chinese animation Ne Zha 2 has surpassed 100 million yuan (about $13.8 million) in overseas box office revenue. The film was released in 945 theaters across ...
日前,商务部、国家发展改革委会同相关部门,广泛收集外资企业反映的共性问题和诉求,形成了《2025年稳外资行动方案》(点击查看全文)。根据方案,2025年投资中国有哪些新机遇,一起看——China on Wednesday issued an action plan to stabilize foreign investment in 2025, which was approved by a re ...
Audience show the tickets at the premiere of "Ne Zha 2" in Macao, south China, Feb. 19, 2025. Chinese mainland's animated ...
2025年2月19日,成都市人民政府外事办公室联合邛崃市人民政府举办 “领事官员区(市)县行——走进邛崃”活动,邀请外国驻蓉、驻渝总领事和领事官员代表、外国驻蓉商会代表、港澳驻蓉机构代表到邛崃参观访问,寻求合作交流新机遇。
"Ne Zha 2: The Devil Child's Sea Adventure" (Ne Zha 2) has topped the global animated film box office chart with a box office ...
2025年NBA全明星赛改用新赛制,不过成效似乎不理想,本届全明星赛收视率于北京时间20日稍早出炉,写下了史上第二差的纪录,仅优于2023年全明星赛。 今年明星赛收视率写下史上第二差,仅优于2023年 《Front Office ...
BEIJING, Feb. 17 (Xinhua) -- Having broken the Hollywood monopoly in the global list of 10 highest-grossing films, the animated feature "Ne Zha 2" is generating ripple effects beyond cinemas, ...
As the global earnings of "Ne Zha 2", including pre-sales, hit a historic 12.319 billion yuan (about 1.72 billion U.S.