LOS ANGELES (AP) — A$AP Rocky ‘s lawyers will make their case and try to establish a counternarrative Friday at his trial in ...
WASHINGTON (AP) — Forced leaves began in Washington and worldwide Friday for most employees of the U.S. Agency for ...
What’s it take to succeed in the classroom? What about in athletics, or in fine arts? Hutchinson High School seniors Emma Trettin and Jacob Lipke have spent the past four years finding out, ...
As the weather warms and people look for activities to do outside, many turn to playgrounds as a place to let their children burn off some energy. But as the world deals with the global ...
The part of the world where we live lies exactly halfway between Earth’s equator and the North Pole. Mid-latitude locations like Minnesota’s feature distinct seasons in which the ...
Getting a good education involves more than learning math and geometry equations, memorizing major moments in history or learning lines from a poem written by a 17th century author. Emotional ...
Home values in Litchfield jumped by an average of 15 percent for 2020, a rate that the Meeker County Assessor’s Office said gets the city to state mandated valuation levels. The property ...
Eleven organizations have benefited this year from the Community Small Grants of the United Way of McLeod County. That number is soon to grow. “In these times we’re not normally able to do two rounds, ...
Hutchinson has 74.9 miles of paved roads. Reconstructing all of them would cost $200 million, or $15,000 per capita. It costs far less to stay on top of pavement management and extend the lives of ...
A good leader knows how to be flexible and adapt to change. That’s a lesson students in the Hutchinson Leadership Institute this year have learned first hand. “You did what great ...
It was a rainy, gloomy Sunday morning May 24, but that didn’t seem to dampen bright spirits at the front doors of Riverside Church on Hutchinson’s west side. “We are a really lively ...
In February, the Supreme Court ordered that California must allow churches to conduct indoor, in-person worship services. Before then, under California’s “Tier 1” designation for COVID-19 and Gov.