Understanding your aid can be a bit exhuasting. Click on one of the links below to find a greater opportunity of free funding at SCU. Looking for free money to fund your education at SCU? Outside ...
Opportunity doesn’t always come wrapped in a bow. For James M. Glaser, it came in the form of a struggling art school. A decade ago, the School of Museum of Fine Arts in Boston was failing. Despite ...
What does small-town-Montana have in common with Santa Clara University? The strong sense of community, says Mariah Aragon ’28. Her hometown of Lodge Grass sits on the Crow Indian Reservation in a ...
In my 8th-grade poetry journal, on the Bucket List page, sit the words “Go to college at Santa Clara University.” Though making that list was an assignment for class, the conviction was true: I’ve ...
In this session, we'll learn what business operations are and why they're important for your small business. By understanding these basics, you can keep your business running smoothly and efficiently.
As an underclassman, navigating career growth and figuring out the “right path” can feel overwhelming. Reflecting on my own journey, I’ve learned that progress is far from linear. Career growth comes ...
Ciocca Center's Venture Virtuoso is an opportunity for sophomores, juniors, and seniors from every major to learn the art and science of effectively communicating (and challenging) innovative ...
Synopsis: A reflection on how my internship at SVCN and coursework have helped me connect classroom knowledge to real-world applications Working at the Silicon Valley Council of Nonprofits (SVCN) has ...
Thank you to our corporate sponsors for providing $10,000 in student award scholarships. Diversity of thought is what drives innovation, creativity and, frankly, solves problems faster.
Each year, we offer several online professional development workshops for faculty and staff from SCU and other higher education institutions. Please review which workshops best meet your needs and use ...
The Career Center will host an Industry Immersion in the Bay Area focused around AI. Students will immerse themselves through experiences like company visits, executive talks, behind-the-scenes tours, ...
Michael Engh, S.J., President, made a statement to faculty, staff, and students expressing grave concern over the changes. He joined numerous professional and educational associations in their stance ...