Squishy materials can also exhibit shear thickening – they become more rigid the harder you try to deform them. This is how ...
Exploding stars in near-solar space may have triggered at least two mass extinction events in Earth's history.
What's good for your aging gut may also be good for your aging brain. The first study of its kind in twins found that taking ...
When we think of climate change, we may consider extreme weather events – record-breaking heatwaves, heavy downpours and ...
Small stars that are far away tend to be faint and hard to see. De Ruiter and her colleagues used the Multiple Mirror ...
Scientists have put a face, but not an official name, to the earliest human ancestor ever found in Western Europe.
Astronomers have been looking for exoplanets orbiting Barnard's Star, the nearest solitary star to Earth at just 5.96 light-years away, since its discovery in 1916.
Children under eight should not drink slushy ice drinks containing glycerol, researchers have warned after a string of hospitalisations in the UK and Ireland.
A trove of fossilised dinosaur footprints has been found on a slab of rock gathering dust inside an Australian school, scientists said on Wednesday.
If you look at a map of lightning near the Port of Singapore, you'll notice an odd streak of intense lightning activity right ...
Our Solar System is in motion and cruises at about 200 kilometres per second relative to the center of the Milky Way.
This Thursday night, for the first time in nearly two-and-a-half years, our planet's faithful companion is going to get fancy ...