Mr. Giangreco is the author of War in Korea: 1950-1953. He and Kathryn Moore are co-authors of Dear Harry . . . Truman’s Mailroom, 1945-1953: The Truman Administration through Correspondence ...
Two vice presidents resigned: John C. Calhoun (served under Andrew Jackson) and Spiro Agnew (served under Richard Nixon). The vice presidency has been vacant due to resignation or death a total of ...
Joseph Kip Kosek is the Director of Undergraduate Studies and Assistant Professor of American Studies at George Washington University. The nation’s leading capitalist emerges as a surprise ...
Mr. Mayzel is a professor of history at the Cummings Center for Russian and East European Studies at Tel-Aviv University. Three factors shaped the borders of present-day Israel: the British ...
Mr. Evans is an attorney and author. As an avocational politician, he has supervised a successful New Hampshire presidential primary and set up a national citizens organization. He has served as ...
Mr. Wittner teaches history at the State University of New York/Albany. His latest book is Toward Nuclear Abolition: A History of the World Nuclear Disarmament Movement, 1971 to the Present ...
Standardized forensic exams are a useful tool for sexual-violence investigations—or they would be if police departments consistently tested their findings.
Mr. Gordon is Associate Professor of History at the University of Iowa and the author of New Deals (1994) and Dead on Arrival (2003). Representative Mark Souder (R-IN) is pushing to replace the ...
Mr. Johnson is a professor of history at Brooklyn College and a contributor to HNN's Cliopatria. A low point in last year’s presidential campaign came when the New York Post published a front ...
Madhusree Mukerjee won a Guggenheim fellowship to write her previous book, The Land of Naked People. She has served on the board of editors of Scientific American. She lives near Frankfurt, Germany.
Counterfactual history is making an ever larger contribution to historical thinking -- and is also winning favor with the history reading public. Two What If books edited by Robert Cowley, to ...
Ms. Young is a professor of history at New York University. This excerpt originally appeared in Bombing Civilians: A Twentieth-Century History edited by Yuki Tanaka and Ms. Young. Airpower ...