Stay up to date and sub­scribe to the DLR press releases with ar­ti­cles from the DLR ed­i­to­ri­al team in Ger­man and En­glish. Sub­scribe to our newslet­ter and re­ceive fu­ture news about ...
At the Institute of Networked Energy Systems, we pursue an overarching goal: We want to make energy transition in the economy and society successful through our research. We develop transformation ...
Vor etwas mehr als 4,5 Milliarden Jahren ist unser Sonnensystem entstanden – und damit auch die Erde. Falls du dich jetzt fragst, woher wir das wissen: gute Frage! Denn man kann zwar mit chemischen ...
Would you like to become part of the team? Apply now! The Product Lifecycle Management Department is dedicated to modelling, simulating and optimising products and their maintenance throughout their ...
With its know-how and overall system expertise in passive and active microwaves, the Microwaves and Radar Institute develops innovative sensors, algorithms and applications for ground-based, airborne ...
With its know-how and overall system expertise in passive and active microwaves, the Microwaves and Radar Institute develops innovative sensors, algorithms and applications for ground-based, airborne ...
We are making highly efficient engines even more powerful and researching future propulsion solutions for climate-neutral aviation and power plant turbines for an environmentally friendly energy ...
At DLR, the Institute of Aerospace Medicine forms the interface between high technology and life sciences such as biology, medicine and psychology. Whether in science or administration, we offer ...
Air traffic plays a crucial role in ensuring the mobility of people and goods around the globe. Environmental impact, aircraft noise and resistance to disruptions must be balanced with sufficient ...
The Institute of Vehicle Concepts (FK) at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) is internationally recognised for the design of future road and rail vehicles that enable climate and environmentally ...
The world's airspace is full of aircraft travelling along predefined routes. DLR is developing various solutions that contribute to the sustainable development of air traffic. The Flight Operations ...