Who would have thought controversy surrounds the 'Great Southland of the Holy Spirit'? Four hundred years ago sailors and explorers were the heroic adventurers of their day. Religion, rewards and ...
Plenty of ink has been spilled over the decay of cultural Christianity and the possibility of Christian persecution in Australia. Christianity is still rated at 52 percent of the population, whether ...
Women who attend church more than once a week live longer than those who do not, according to a new study by researchers at Harvard University's public health graduate school. The University's ...
God makes appearances in a number of Oscar-nominated films, but the Almighty doesn't play a leading role on screen or preach a theologically orthodox message from the clouds. Rather, spirituality ...
Advance Australia Fair, Australia's national anthem, sung or played at national civic and sporting events has an unofficial additional verse whose origin is uncertain, but it was sung at Awakening, a ...
The 5-year dispute between the Catch The Fire Ministries and the Islamic Council of Victoria has finally been concluded with a joint statement being released. In a joint statement Pastor Daniel Scot ...
Recently I was asked to convey five great theological themes presented squarely in the Scriptures and to explain and display them in such a way that an ordinary person might exclaim, "hey, I ...
Singer Demi Lovato has spoken publicly about her drug use, experiences with an eating disorder, and most recently, about God. On Friday, the 19-year-old posted a ...
Rain showers failed to soak the enthusiasm of hundreds of people who participated and watched Wesley Mission's annual Palm Sunday event in Sydney. The re-enactment of Jesus triumphal entry into ...
As a young child, I lived a life like most young children do, free from the fears of failure. I was a kid striving to be perfect in everything I did, not because of what people thought of me or the ...
"Good morning to everybody that is meeting together in the Melbourne Town Hall on this Australia day. I can't think of a more important thing to be doing than to Unite in Prayer on this, our National ...
De Botton and Dawkins most recently clashed over plans to build a 151-foot atheist temple in London. De Botton is helping fund the project, which will he says will symbolize more than 300 million ...