执行试车的为一列三节车厢的列车,从Britomart出发并从奥克兰市中心地下穿过,途径Te Waihorotiu和Karanga-a-Hape两个新站点,最终抵达Maungawhau站。
RNZ Pacific了解到,库克群岛的各政府部长对此次在北京签署"全面战略伙伴关系"协议也没有掌握具体时间表,但其外交部长Tingika Elikana在接受本国媒体采访时透露,Brown总理得到了全体内阁部长的支持。
"如果孩子自己想请假,我首先会想了解究竟。"Woodfield说,"我会想,'这孩子为什么想请假?是因为有压力,还是学校有什么让孩子感到抵触的?'如果是这样,或许我们在无意间启用了一个没有帮助的负面循环--你感到焦虑、压力,然后你就不去学校。这在短期 ...
本周四(2月13日)开始,为期4天的奥克兰元宵灯会将亮相奥克兰南区的Manukau Sports Bowl。届时,500盏手工灯笼将点亮夜空,包括两条形态可爱、高4米的"蛇灯"。
Residents in Lower Hutt were spooked on Wednesday night as helicopters buzzed over the suburbs with no lights and no record ...
Top economists have called for action on the pension age at a University of Waikato economics forum. ANZ chief economist ...
A Canterbury man, who fought a $40 ticket for parking on the grass berm outside his house, has been found guilty and will ...
Analysis - Elon Musk's Oval Office address showed why he's a menacing foe for the US government and why Donald Trump is ...
More than 60 jobs are to be axed from Callaghan Innovation as the government's science sector overhaul takes hold. Under a ...
"There were four people lying on side of the road, with a pretty written off bike," says a local of the crash in ...
Hekia Parata told a select committee hearing the Treaty Principles bill was "unnecessary" and wasting the nation's resources ...
A class action filed today says Kiwis have been deceived for about two decades through the use of phenylephrine in cold and ...