For me and many others, contemplating death has clarified what matters. These curiosity-based exercises will get you started ...
is an evolutionary social psychologist with broad interests in how the recurrent challenges of our distant past help us understand our motivational states today. He is the author of The Social Leap ...
Clinicians have long recognised the link between worry and planning. New research asks what this means for managing anxiety ...
Some masculine norms are a straightjacket, depriving men of the connections they need. It takes bravery to leave them behind ...
I always thought I could be an asocial primate. I cannot.’ How microbes helped James connect with the human-scale world ...
A ‘no pain, no gain’ mentality might make sense when striving for change – but don’t confuse discomfort and distress ...
is a London-based writer and consultant on science, technology and the future. A former editor-in-chief of New Scientist, he is the author of The Bright Side: Why Optimists Have the Power to Change ...
is a neurosurgeon and the author of the book Gray Matters: A Biography of Brain Surgery (2024). He lives in New York City.
is a lecturer and researcher in psychology at the University of Plymouth, UK, specialising in performance coaching in sport, exploration, business, the military and healthcare. He is the co-founder of ...
Psyche is a psychologically minded magazine offering insights and know-how on the human condition. Sign up for our free weekly newsletter and get Psyche straight to your inbox every Friday.
is a doctoral student in philosophy at the University of Pennsylvania, US, originally from Istanbul, Turkey. Her primary interests are in ethics and aesthetics.