Congressman Mike Lawler (R-NY), who reintroduced the bipartisan Doctors in Our Borders Act on Tuesday, said the new bill "will tackle the physician shortage we're facing and ensure folks in communiti ...
MAGA conservative legal advocate Mike Davis, a former law clerk for current Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch and former Chief Counsel for Nominations to Senate Judiciary Chairma ...
Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco last week released a video (see below) to clarify that his deputies "have not, are not, and will not engage in any type of immigration enforcement" and that he is ...
President Donald Trump's new Secretary of Energy Chris Wright, former CEO of the fracking company Liberty Energy, on Friday issued his first Secretarial Order which directs the Department of Energy t ...
Rep. Jim McGovern (D-MA) took to the House floor this week to chide his Republican colleagues with a "size matters" argument, refuting the oft-repeated narrative that the GOP has been given a mandate ...