Japanese Minister of Economy, Trade, and Industry Yoji Muto has met with US officials in Washington to seek exemptions from ...
US President Donald Trump once again questioned the role of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, casting doubt on whether ...
特朗普在第一次竞选总统时抓住了这个问题,将其视为美国身份之一。他告诉佛罗里达州前州长、双语人士杰布·布什:“我们是一个讲英语而不是西班牙语的国家。” 在去年的竞选中,特朗普说,美国教室挤满了来自“他们甚至不知道说什么语言”的国家的学生。
当地时间2月26日,包括《基辅独立报》在内的多家媒体发布了乌克兰和美国即将签署的矿产协议最终文本。根据乌媒公布的文本,该协议共11点内容。 WHEREAS the United States of America has provided significant financial and material support to Ukraine since Russia’s full-scale ...
Michael Spence: Trump’s victory provides additional clarity in this regard. The United States is expected to further disengage from multilateral agreements—a trend that was already evident in previous ...
Assuming that the measures US President Donald Trump has taken in the first few weeks in office reflect, a new and sustainable path for the United States, instead of whims, will they have an impact on ...
He’s angry and defensive. He’s ready to fight back.