Sept. 20 (UPI) -- Nike announced that CEO and President John Donahue will retire and be replaced by former Nike executive ...
Outgoing Nike CEO John Donahue made strategic missteps, most especially losing his team's winning spirit.. In-coming 32-year ...
Phil Knight and other parts of the Nike universe lauded the hiring of Elliott Hill as the sneaker giant’s next chief ...
Sept 20 (Reuters) - Nike's new CEO is expected to double down on the company's efforts to repair relations with retailers to ...
Company veteran Elliott Hill will lead a turnaround effort at the global sportswear giant, where sales have faltered and ...
Nike spent nearly $104 million on pay and benefits for John Donahoe during his near five-year tenure atop the sneaker-maker, ...
Elliott Hill, the newly named chief executive officer of Nike, acknowledged that things have been rough for the world's ...
周二,TD Cowen发布了关于Nike Inc. (NYSE:NKE)的报告,维持对该公司股票的持有评级,目标价格为71.00美元。该报告详细分析了Nike的分销网络、供应链和财务状况,旨在阐明预测公司未来增长、现金流和回报所涉及的复杂性。
自2020年担任CEO以来,John Donahoe面临的挑战可谓艰巨。尽管在数字转型和直接面向消费者的战略上取得了一定成效,但仍未能有效抵御供应链危机和日益激烈的市场竞争。今年以来,Nike股价已累计下跌超过25%,直至本周因Hill即将接任的消息,盘后股价反弹7.55%,达到每股87.1美元。市场的这一反应显然表明投资者对Hill的回归持积极态度。
跑鞋爱好者追求的“踩屎感”,到底是什么? 这就不得不提到“踩屎感鼻祖”——Boost。2013年,Adidas与巴斯夫化学公司合作研发出TPU(Thermoplastic Polyurethane)材料并采用超临界发泡技术中的珠粒发泡工艺,将 TPU 拆分成若干的微型“胶囊”,再将其体积膨胀到原来的10倍,以提高材料缓震性和回弹性。这些膨胀了的 TPU,外形像雪白的“爆米花”,被运用于跑鞋中底,命 ...
股东对董事选举进行了投票,所有A类普通股提名人均以显著优势当选。Timothy Cook、John Donahoe II、Thasunda Duckett、Mónica Gil、Maria Henry、Peter Henry、Travis ...
潮流总是一遍又一遍轮迴,近年来復古风再度强势崛起,其中以鞋子最为明显,不少Y2K(Year 2000)復古跑鞋曝光度大增,当中以日本品牌亚瑟士(ASICS)最为明显,许多网友也大推,亚瑟士不仅便宜好看,更适合出国久走。全 ...