Israel announced Sunday that it was halting the electricity supply to the Gaza Strip to pressure Hamas into releasing ...
Como a primeira fase do acordo de paz de Gaza terminou no sábado e as discussões sobre a segunda fase ainda não ganharam ...
Israeli and Qatari delegations arrived in the Egyptian capital of Cairo on Thursday for Gaza ceasefire talks, with the ...
Como jornalista de Gaza, registrei a resiliência da cidade diante da destruição incessante, vendo o espírito inabalável do ...
以色列总理办公室星期天(3月2日)清晨表示,以色列将采纳唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)总统特使史蒂夫·维特科夫(Steve Witkoff)提出的在斋月和逾越节期间在加沙实施临时停火的提议。几个小时前,此前达成的停火协议第一阶段将到期。
China is a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council and the council's rotating president this month, and Arab countries highly value China's unique and important role, Abdelatty said, ...
(法新社耶路撒冷21日电) 以色列中部昨天有3辆巴士爆炸,未传出任何伤亡。以色列总理尼坦雅胡办公室今天表示,尼坦雅胡下令针对约旦河西岸占领区「加强打击恐怖主义中心的行动」。