据本周早些时候的报道,多名用户在更新至iPadOS 18后发现其M4 iPad Pro出现无法开机的问题。苹果公司在发现这一问题后,已紧急撤回受影响iPad型号的更新,并正全力修复该漏洞。 苹果内部备忘录显示,此次漏洞导致“少数”用户的M4 iPad ...
今年5月份,Apple发布了新一代配备M4芯片的iPadPro系列。我在8月购买了11英寸的版本,以取代原先使用的2018款iPadPro,并且配套购买了全新的ApplePencilPro。在这篇文章 ...
对于现在新生代的孩子,积木、玩偶、小汽车已经不能满足孩子对玩具的需求,当下最火的玩具已经电子化,PSP、iPhone、iPad才是潮爸、潮妈买给孩子的时尚礼物。孩子玩ipad不仅仅是会伤害视力,其他危害你了解吗? 孩子玩ipad的危害 ...
近期,苹果第六代iPad mini在多家零售店出现缺货现象,这引发了外界对于新一代iPad mini即将发布的猜测,自2021年9月推出以来,iPad mini 6已经接近三年没有更新,据透露,已在开发第七代iPad ...
The US government is taking aim at the engine of Google's immense wealth - its extremely lucrative ad tech business.
Did the iPhone 16 hype live up to its promises? Should we be satisfied with Apple's 2024 devices? To answer this – and much ...
苹果 iPhone 16 全系标配 Secure Exclave:M4 iPad Pro 同款隐私安全组件,硬件级提醒麦克风和摄像头使用 9 月 12 日消息,科技媒体 9to5Mac 昨日(9 月 11 日)发布博文,通过挖掘 iOS 18 固件代码,确认苹果所有 4 款 iPhone 16 机型集成了 Secure Exclave。 苹果公司的 Secure Exclave 可以追溯到M4 i ...
Apple is expected to unveil two new iPad models this fall, likely in October. This will include a new entry-level 11th generation model, as well as the 7th generation of iPad mini. Both of these ...
Of course, this is the iPad Pro and it looks great, packs in a lot of power, and has an extremely impressive battery life.
A Western Australian family has lost everything after an iPad that was left on charge overheated and set fire to their home.
A family in Western Australia is coping with the tragic loss of their family pet following an everyday task that accidentally ...
An ad paid for by the Republican Party of Florida picks apart the anatomy of Amendment 4. Treat her — your mom, sister, best ...