The death toll of an Israeli airstrike on southern Beirut on Friday has risen to 37, the Lebanese Health Ministry said ...
Tension along the Israel-Lebanon border has escalated sharply following communication device explosions across Lebanon ...
以色列星期五 (9月20日)表示,在对贝鲁特的一次袭击中,击毙了真主党精锐部队的指挥官易卜拉欣·阿基尔 (Ibrahim Aqil)。黎巴嫩官员称,该袭击对真主党的贝鲁特据点造成14人死亡,数十人受伤。
Israele pagherà a caro prezzo “il crimine” e la “follia” commessi a Beirut, con il raid di ieri nel quale sono stati uccisi ...
一名亲近黎巴嫩真主党(Hezbollah)的消息人士说,以色列20日发动空袭,击毙真主党精锐「拉德万部队」(Radwan Force)指挥官阿基尔(Ibrahim Aqil)。综合外电20日报导,这位不具名的消息人士说,阿基尔是「拉德万 ...
BEIRUT, Sept. 21 (Xinhua) -- Lebanon's Hezbollah on Friday night mourned the acting commander of its Elite Radwan Force, Ibrahim Akil, who was killed earlier in the day by an Israeli airstrike on ...
以色列军方表示,此次空袭炸死了Ibrahim Aqil,据称他曾领导真主党的行动小组及其“拉德瓦” (Radwan)特种部队,空袭还炸死了在贝鲁特南部郊区一处地下室聚集的其他约10名高级指挥官。
法新社报导,这位消息人士不具名指称,以色列空袭击毙「拉德万部队」指挥官阿基尔(Ibrahim Aqil),他是该武装部队第二号人物,仅次于已故真主党最高军事指挥官舒库尔(Fuad Shukr)。
La tensione tra Israele e Libano è alle stelle dopo un attacco aereo su Beirut che ha ucciso cinque bambini, in risposta al ...
(法新社黎巴嫩贝鲁特18日电) 黎巴嫩官员说,真主党(Hezbollah)据点今天发生第2波装置爆炸事件,造成20人死亡、另有450多人受伤,加剧人们对与以色列爆发全面战争的担忧。