The district attorney and police have said Colbert has an extensive history in the New Orleans area as well as in Las Vegas.
Louisiana attorney general Liz Murrill said this week that Danette Colbert should not have been eligible to have been out on ...
Louisiana Attorney General Liz Murrill said this week that a woman charged with stealing the credit card of a Kansas City ...
Danette Colbert was sentenced to probation in a case with allegations of drugging, fraud and theft. Telemundo reporter Adan ...
NEW ORLEANS — The investigation into the death of Adan Manzano, the 27-year-old Telemundo reporter from Kansas City, spans multiple Louisiana parishes. He was in the New Orleans area to cover the ...
Colbert was on probation when she was arrested last month in Jefferson Parish on fraud charges in the death investigation of ...
In cities across the United States someone or something is almost always watching you. On Tuesday, as Mardi Gras revelers ...
New information comes to light regarding the death of Telemundo reporter Adán Manzano, found in his hotel room while covering ...
According to testimony given by a police detective in court this week, Adan Manzano, the 27-year-old reporter who was found dead while attending the Super ...
Adan Manzano, a 27-year-old anchor and reporter for Telemundo in Kansas City, Missouri, was found dead in his New Orleans ...
Adan Manzano, an anchor and reporter for Telemundo in Kansas City, Missouri, was found dead in his room during Super Bowl ...
A toxicology report says Telemundo reporter Adan Manzano had Xanax in his system at the time of his death in New Orleans.