It's the largest indoor training and competition venue for winter sports in Harbin. After completing an equipment upgrade and ...
今年1月14日,葡萄牙著名建筑事务所 Manuel Aires Mateus 与英国建筑公司 AFL Architects 合作宣布赢得了葡萄牙国家体育场修复设计竞赛,这项竞赛得到了葡萄牙建筑师协会里斯本和泰茹河谷地区分会的技术支持,共收到13份参赛申请,其中有6份被选中进行设计方案的展示。
Torch bearer Zhang Hong lights the cauldron at the Harbin Ice and Snow World Park during the opening ceremony, Feb. 7, 2025. ...
乙巳蛇年,首个世界非遗版春节就在眼前啦!上海这座充满活力的城市已经为全球的入境游客准备好了一场精彩的文化艺术之旅。夜晚,上海地标点位的灯光点亮,绚丽建筑投影秀同步上映,视觉盛宴开启,城市的夜空点亮,一起来做“追光者”。 With the Year of the Snake right around the corner,Shanghai has prepared a cultural and ar ...
乙巳蛇年,首个世界非遗版 春节 就在眼前啦! 上海 这座充满活力的城市已经为全球的入境游客准备好了一场精彩的文化艺术之旅。夜晚,上海地标点位的灯光点亮,绚丽建筑投影秀同步上映,视觉盛宴开启,城市的夜空点亮,一起来做“追光者”。
The Hong Kong International Horse Show will run from February 14 to 16 at AsiaWorld-Expo. This equestrian event is held in Hong Kong for the first time, with a prize money of up to HK$6.5 million.