It didn’t take long for many developers to create innovative and exciting VR porn games. It’s a whole new way to experience porn, and is really one that needs to be experienced to believe.
近期,不少Steam用户收到了G胖最新对战游戏《Deadlock(中城死局)》的测试邀请,此前游戏只透露过是由DOTA制作人冰蛙操刀的英雄射击游戏,如今缓缓揭开了面纱。 正反补、刷野、推塔;小场景搜点、爆道具、预瞄头线;美漫画风、机动位移、人物武器技能捆绑。一系列要素的组合,几乎将V社旗下的生蛋母鸡都缝合在了一起,常年数不出3的G胖一口气出了三部续作——“DOTA3”、“CS3”、“TF3”。
上证报中国证券网讯(记者 刘怡鹤)本周(9月18日到20日)绿地元宇宙指数G-Meta ...
The best VR headsets are an enticing gateway into an entirely fresh gaming experience, especially if you're checking out this immersive tech for the very first time. For those of you who're ...
What are the best VR games? When it comes to VR games, we’re entering a golden era, kickstarted by the release of the Meta Quest 3. That being said, if you have any major VR gaming headset ...
2024年9月11日,第25届中国国际光电博览会在深圳国际会展中心开幕,本届展会全面启用了深圳国际会展中心的12个展馆,展示面积达到24万平方米以上。展会吸引了全球超过3700家光电企业汇聚一堂,覆盖了信息通信、精密光学、摄像头技术及应用、激光及智能 ...
首届上海国际光影节以 “穿越光年 Travel in Light” ...
本报记者 李万晨曦 9月11日,第二十五届中国国际光电博览会(以下简称“光博会”)在深圳国际会展中心正式开幕。展会汇聚了来自全球30多个国家或地区的超3700家优质参展企业,同期七大主题展覆盖了信息通信、精密光学、红外、新型显示等光电产业细分领域。
The best VR headset race is an intense one right now. Meta Quest 3 is the popular go-to choice for many, but PSVR 2's PC support is now here, and that means a lot of healthy competition for PC gamers.
Furthermore, as a PC VR headset – compared to the Quest 3, HP Reverb G2, and Valve Index – the PS VR2 stands out with its OLED display and vivid visuals, though it lacks some of the advanced ...
I’ve reviewed more than a thousand different consumer electronics products including headphones, speakers, TVs, and every major game system and VR headset of the last decade. I’m an ISF ...
Here’s how it works. The race to build the best VR headset is, funnily enough, not really about just VR anymore. Sure, they do transport you to virtual worlds, but they unlock so much more in ...