Many animals are active during the winter months, searching for food, finding mates, starting families, or on the move. For ...
Los beneficios que aportan las ballenas se extienden mucho más allá del océano: también nos ayudan a nosotros, los humanos.
Sea lions haul out in large colonies on rocks and sandy shores on the Islands. They move into the water to feed and cool off as needed.
“I love learning about the creative and unique ways people all over the world have long peacefully co-existed with their ...
The green turtle is one of the largest sea turtles and the only herbivore among the different species. Green turtles are in fact named for the greenish color of their cartilage and fat, not their ...
A finales de agosto, las mariposas monarca que nacen en el sureste de Canadá y el noreste de Estados Unidos se aventuran en un maravilloso fenómeno migratorio recorriendo entre 1,200 y 2,800 millas (1 ...
Rivers, marshes, bogs, mangroves, mudflats, ponds, swamps, billabongs, lagoons, lakes, and floodplains are among the types of ...
What can local leaders in LA and in other communities in the US and around the world do in the wake of these extreme events to address systemic risks and proactively reduce catastrophic disasters?
Some scientists have speculated that fin whales circle schools of fish with the white side facing the prey and frightening them into denser schools that are easier for the whale to catch. The fin ...
The humphead wrasse is an enormous coral reef fish—growing over six feet long—with a prominent bulge on its forehead. Some of them live to be over 30 years old. They roam through coral reefs in search ...
Looking for a ready-to-go robust lesson plan on a particular topic? We’ve pulled together various Wild Classroom resources from our Curriculum Library to create a collection of prepackaged, multi-step ...
“Me encanta aprender sobre las extraordinarias y creativas formas en que las personas de todo el mundo han coexistido ...