每笔按0.03%收取, 最多不超过50元人民币 ** 因有现金服务需求而需将款项汇出至他行账户的,可经申请后免于收取。 跨行人民币汇出汇款-公司客户*/** 汇出金额 ≤ 1万 1万 < 汇出金额 ≤ 10万 10万 < 汇出金额 ≤ 50万 50万 < 汇出金额 ≤ 100万 每笔10元人民币 每笔15元 ...
Wählen Sie bitte zuerst, ob es sich um eine Kredit- oder Debitkarte handelt. Nachdem Sie die Karte ausgewählt haben, leiten wir Sie zum richtigen Formular weiter, um die Belastung zu melden. Wenn Sie ...
Richard Thaler doesn’t take himself too seriously, he laughs a lot, answers questions with stories, and his office has an eclectic feeling of being both an academic space and something fun. He admits ...
Kleingeld in Form von Münzen nehmen wir in Geschäftsstellen mit Schalter für UBS-Kunden und ausschliesslich in CHF entgegen. Die Münzzählung erfolgt durch die Loomis Schweiz AG. Die Gutschrift des ...
UBS published its first Global Entrepreneur Report, based on a survey of 156 UBS entrepreneur clients and network members across a full range of businesses accounting for approximately USD 19.1 ...
يو بي إس العربية السعودية ھي شركة تابعة لبنك يو بي إس أيه جي ، وتخضع لإشراف ومراقبة هيئة السوق المالية بموجب ترخيص رقم 37-08113 الصادر بتاريخ 4 رجب 1429ھ (الموافق 7 يوليو 2008م) وزاولت أعمالها بتاريخ ...
Tokenization brings the benefits of digitalization and blockchain technology to regulated financial assets. It has the potential to reimagine capital markets for issuers and investors. As blockchain ...
Ob kleinformatige Seminare in diskretem Rahmen oder Konferenzen mit bis zu 140 Teilnehmern: Unsere Räumlichkeiten lassen sich auf Ihre Bedürfnisse anpassen und sind flexibel kombinierbar. Wir ...
The UBS Global Real Estate Bubble Index puts the housing market into long-term perspective and is designed to track the risk of property price bubbles in global cities. In this edition, we discuss the ...
The global community increasingly appreciates the link between the economy and the environment; roughly 60% of GDP is at least moderately dependent on ecosystem services. Globally, between USD ...
UBS is a global firm providing financial services to private, corporate and institutional clients. We are present in all major financial centers and have offices in over 50 countries. In Luxembourg, ...
The best possible transition from studying to launching your future career? Start in a place where you can learn from the best. Start at UBS. As part of our global teams in a friendly work environment ...