The goal of the government’s investigation has been to disaggregate the assemblage that attacked the Capitol into ...
Fredric Jameson died yesterday at the age of 90. He had taught since 1985 at Duke University. His many books include The Political Unconscious, Postmodernism, or the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism ...
At the end of each of Rooney’s novels, love triumphs partly because it might be the only form of solidarity, the ...
One of the most fascinating aspects of Wei Shujun’s film Only the River Flows is the continuing contrast between ...
Following a prolonged drought, smoke from wildfires in the Amazon basin is choking people over an enormous swath ...
For the last nine months, representatives from the United States, Israel, Egypt, Qatar and Hamas have ostensibly been ...
The broad theme of this series, truth and lies, was a favourite subject of Lucian of Samosata, the last of our Greek-language authors. His razor-sharp satire was a model for Erasmus, Voltaire and ...
Read anywhere with the London Review of Books app, available now from the App Store for Apple devices, Google Play for Android devices and Amazon for your Kindle Fire. Find out more about the London ...
What next? Is Netanyahu betting on a Hizbullah overreaction? Is he trying to open a second front and to drag ...
The worst thing you can say to anyone who works in hospitality, Mendez writes, is ‘Maybe you’ll meet someone!’ But a chance encounter while waiting tables lead to their new niche. In this episode, ...