Solidarity statement of the ITUC Women's Committee denouncing the devastating impact of the Trump Administration's dismantling of federal programmes. The rollback of funding will undermine the ...
Des dirigeants syndicaux des pays du G20 et d'autres pays ont engagé une collaboration avec la présidence du G20 de cette année. La ministre sud-africaine du Travail a participé à l'événement, en soul ...
Líderes sindicales de países del G20 y de otros países han comenzado a colaborar con la Presidencia del G20 de este año. El evento contó con la participación de la Ministra de Trabajo de Sudáfrica, qu ...
On the World Day of Social Justice, a high-level global union delegation is holding a two-day meeting with the leadership of the International Financial Institutions (IFIs) to call for economic ...
Letter to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan: Urgent Call for the Release of Detained Labour Activists in Azerbaijan ...
In 2023, the SUNTRACS union led a series of protests in Panama against a government-backed mining contract. The concession was eventually revoked in court. Since then, SUNTRACS and its leaders have ...
En 2023, el sindicato Suntracs lideró una serie de protestas en Panamá contra un contrato minero promovido por el Gobierno.
Millions of people worldwide now depend on digital platforms for their income. From food delivery couriers to ride hailing drivers and content moderators, technological innovation has opened new ...
Lors de l'important Sommet pour l'action sur l'intelligence artificielle (IA) qui s'est tenu à Paris, la CSI a appelé à un ...
Trade union leaders from G20 countries and beyond have launched their engagement with this year's G20 Presidency. The event included the South African Minister of Labour, who emphasised the importance ...
Los trabajadores de plataformas de todo el mundo se enfrentan a malas condiciones laborales, falta de protección social y ...
Trade unions are campaigning For Democracy that Delivers. We know that the best way to restore confidence in democracy is to ...