In May 2024, the former Minister of Police, Bheki Cele, revealed in an explosive parliamentary reply to a question posed by the Democratic Alliance that over 5,4 million case dockets were closed, ...
It’s all getting a bit scary isn’t it? This whole government of national unity thing I mean. Judging by the sort of comments I’ve been reading on Twitter and in the media there is huge resistance with ...
One of my worst fears is being stranded at an overseas airport with no hope of finding a hotel room due to them being fully booked, having no idea when my flight will ever leave and wondering how in ...
The national head office of the South African Police Service (SAPS) in Pretoria has been declared unfit for human use and had to be evacuated immediately yesterday. The building must remain closed ...
The African National Congress (ANC) welcomes the gazetting of regulations that solidify the Investigating Directorate Against Corruption (IDAC) as a permanent unit within the National Prosecuting ...
Representatives of the newly established Afrikaner Foundation and AfriForum depart for the United States today to participate in various events and raise awareness of the situation in South Africa, ...
The DA notes that Health Minister, Dr Aaron Motsoaledi, is persisting with his National Health Insurance (NHI) roadshow, despite South Africa’s business community, health sector and stakeholders, and ...
The Democratic Alliance (DA) expresses dismay following the recent decision to strike the Estina Vrede Dairy case off the roll in the Bloemfontein High Court. This decision marks a significant setback ...
Solidarity achieved a major breakthrough in its fight against the National Health Insurance (NHI) when a core pillar on which the state’s centralisation of health care rests was declared ...
Gareth van Onselen says the great question is how far the ANC will be able to track up from 40% base Thread on the SRF’s 2024 election track (which is all public on the SRF website and is updated ...
This is Cyril Ramaphosa’s second bite at the presidential cherry. History will be harsh on that first term. It’s not only that he failed to rectify the collapses and reverses of the criminal Jacob ...
The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) welcomes President Cyril Ramaphosa’s commitment to assent to the long debated Basic Education Laws Amendment (BELA) Bill. The BELA Bill contains ...