国际原子能机构科学和技术出版物可以通过多种参数进行检索:出版年份、主题和类型。使用搜索框输入搜索条件,或使用文本字段按标题、关键字、ISBN、ISSN或序列号进行搜索。 按标题、ISBN、ISSN、序列号搜索 ...
NUCLEUS es un portal de recursos de información del OIEA a través del cual puede accederse a más de un centenar de recursos científicos, técnicos y normativos, como bases de datos, aplicaciones, ...
如果您想了解有关原子能机构工作的更多信息,请注册获取我们的每月动态,其中包含我们最重要的新闻、多媒体和其他信息。 电子信箱地址 * 出版物高级搜索 国际原子能机构科学和技术出版物可以通过多种参数进行检索:出版年份、主题和类型。使用搜索框输入搜索条件,或使用文本字段按标题、关键字、ISBN、ISSN或序列号进行搜索。 按标题、ISBN、ISSN、序列号搜索 ...
If you would like to learn more about the IAEA’s work, sign up for our weekly updates containing our most important news, multimedia and more. Ukrainian firefighters have been working around the clock ...
If you would like to learn more about the IAEA’s work, sign up for our weekly updates containing our most important news, multimedia and more. A drone attack early this morning caused a fire on the ...
Erythema means reddening of the skin due to inflammation which is usually a result of accumulation of cells of the immune system and chemicals these cells release. There can be many reasons for the ...
ARCAL is an Agreement between most IAEA Member States in the Latin America and the Caribbean region for technical and economic cooperation to promote the use of nuclear techniques for peace and ...
The IAEA and IRENA cooperate in the area of energy planning with a view to enhancing the effectiveness and impact of capacity-building efforts in that area by joining the complementary competencies of ...
VETLAB is an association of national veterinary laboratories in African and Asian countries; its expansion into Central and Eastern Europe, the Caribbean and Latin America is planned. The VETLAB ...
ARTEMIS is an integrated expert peer review service for radioactive waste and spent fuel management, decommissioning and remediation programmes. This service is intended for facility operators and ...
Nuclear forensics is the examination of nuclear and other radioactive materials using analytical techniques to determine the origin and history of this material in the context of law enforcement ...