AMES, Iowa – Urban farmers interested in learning how to safely harvest, store and transport produce are invited to a webinar ...
At 10 a.m. Hart will present on “Tariffs, Trade and the Economy.” In the next hour, Miller and Lauren Schwarck, with the ISU ...
Note: the publication below is for informational purposes only, the authors no longer conduct or assist with feasibility studies. Growth and recognition of project management have changed ...
Enterprise budget formats vary. Some are complex. Others are quite simple. The illustrated budgets for annual crops and perennial crops are to be used as an estimate of what a particular crop could ...
Acceleration clause - A common provision of a mortgage or note providing the lender with the right to demand that the entire outstanding balance be immediately due and payable in the event of default.
Every business needs to have a written business plan, whether creating or expanding a business. Formulating a business plan should be one of the first things done when starting a new business, because ...
Forms of consulting agreements vary greatly. They can range from one page to 20 or more pages depending on the subject matter of the agreement and whether other agreements between the parties are ...
This article is a basic overview of concepts related to trusts as estate planning tools and is intended to give individuals points to consider as they engage in the estate planning process. Do not ...
A "net worth" statement or "balance sheet" is designed to provide a picture of the financial soundness of your business at a specific point in time. Net worth statements are often prepared at the ...
How much did your farm business earn last year? Was it profitable? There are many ways to answer these questions. A farm income statement (sometimes called a profit and loss statement) is a summary of ...
There are more than six million acres of cropland in Iowa where wetness limits productivity. Slightly more than half of the 375 different soils series mapped in Iowa have problems with excess water.