Social activists have blamed the death of eight workers in an avalanche that hit a BRO camp at Mana in Uttarakhand's Chamoli ...
A magisterial inquiry has been ordered to investigate the avalanche in Uttarakhand's Chamoli district. All 54 missing ...
Given the increasing frequency of such disasters, the government aims to set up better early warning systems and improve ...
Chamoli (Uttarakhand): Brigadier MS Dhillon, Commander IBEX Brigade, said that eight people died after a Border Road ...
Rescue teams braved minus-20-degree cold and heavy snow to save 46 workers trapped by a deadly avalanche in Mana in the ...
Five BRO workers are still trapped in the avalanche that hit Chamoli's Mana village on Friday. The SDRF has flown to ...
The Indian Army concluded its search and rescue operations at the Mana site in Chamoli, Uttarakhand. The avalanche claimed ...
The death count in the avalanche incident in Uttarakhand's Chamoli increased to five after a body was recovered this ...
Uttarakhand Avalanche: 53 workers trapped in an avalanche near Mana village, Chamoli have been rescued. Total three bodies ...
According to Commander IBEX Brigade Brigadier MS Dhillon, the eight people died after a BRO camp in Mana was hit by a massive ...