冷战期间创建美国国际开发署的约翰·F·肯尼迪总统(John F.Kennedy)将这个机构视为美国“强大的源泉”。美国可以通过它“施加影响维护自由”。卢比奥等共和党的国际主义者此前也都表达过类似的观点。
美国总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)向媒体表示,他1月20日宣誓就职后已经与中国国家主席习近平通过电话,但是并未透露两人通话的议题或其他细节。 此外,中国外交部发言人并未证实习近平在特朗普重返白宫后,已经与他通过话。
美国总统川普(Donald ...
U.S. President Donald Trump has taken executive action to impose new tariffs on imports from China. Dan Steinbock, founder of Difference Group, noted that industrial production, technological ...
"The key word I would give about the Trump administration is going to be 'Change' and how Trump takes the change will have a ...
El presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, firmó hoy proclamas encaminadas a elevar los aranceles sobre el aluminio del ...
WASHINGTON, Feb. 9 (Xinhua) -- U.S. President Donald Trump said on Sunday that he will announce new 25-percent tariffs on all steel and aluminum imports into the United States, with the official ...
El Gobierno de México señaló que los aranceles impuestos por Estados Unidos a las importaciones de acero y de aluminio no tienen justificación y merman la integración de Norteamérica. Estos fueron ...
As the U.S. prepares for President-elect Donald Trump's inauguration, Chinese factories are experiencing a surge in activity. In an attempt to get ahead of the tariffs Trump has proposed, China's expo ...
According to the statement, Netanyahu and Trump have agreed on achieving all of Israel's war objectives, including "eliminating" Hamas, releasing all Israeli hostages, ensuring Gaza no longer poses a ...