Asmongold revealed that he has officially left OTK, saying it was a “mutual” decision spurred by his focus on political content.
Asmongold, the Twitch legend, recently explained why he has never signed a streaming contract - even if someone held a cool ...
With Avowed underperforming on Steam, many forget that it is also out on the Xbox Game Pass, thanks to the industry's ...
After making comments regarding the Nazi book burnings, where he said Nazis didn’t specifically target gender-oriented books but rather those written by Jews in Hebrew, Asmongold was met with harsh ...
American YouTuber and Twitch streamer Asmongold watched video footage of President Donald Trump visiting Daytona Int’l ...
Asmongold has responded to those that believe OTK members should stop associating with him, and he had a very clear point to ...
Emiru has removed nearly all mentions of OTK from her social media profile bios as the org undergoes a restructuring.
Elon Musk is currently in the midst of a feud with Twitch streamer Asmongold, after he was accused of boosting his ‘Path of Exile 2’ account.
近日,知名游戏主播Asmongold遭遇了一场突如其来的社交媒体风波。其推特账号不幸沦为黑客的攻击目标,并被利用来宣传一种颇具争议的虚拟货币——模因币。 事情发生后,Asmongold在直播中以一 ...
Zack Hoyt, popularly known as Asmongold, has revealed why he didn't want to sign a streaming contract with any platform, including Twitch, where he began his career.
日前,一位曾批评《黑神话悟空》的IGN女编辑Rebekah Valentine宣布停用社交媒体账号,这一举动引起了关注。知名美国主播Asmongold在Twitch上有超过350万粉丝,他也对此事发表了看法。他认为,《黑神话》的成功已经证明了游戏在西方媒体的压力下依然取得了巨大成就,是玩家的胜利。Asmongold指出那位女记者之前的回应显得可笑,她在未玩游戏的情况下仍试图辩解,并且她的“资深记者 ...
为什么Asmongold对《刺客信条:影》的销量预测如此谨慎?这可能与育碧近年来的表现有关。尽管《刺客信条》系列一直是育碧的金字招牌,但近年来育碧的其他作品如《星球大战:亡命之徒》和《阿凡达:潘多拉边境》的表现却不尽如人意。玩家对育碧的新作期待值有所 ...